Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Cartoon Experiments

I've made my blog all new and pretty!

Here are some cartoon style experiments I've been playing with.  I'm looking to mix up digital work with actual ink and paint to create "orginal" artwork for those people who still freak out about using a computer to paint...

Also I'm in the midst of updating my actual website, which there's now a link to on the side bar, and also working on some merchandise (mostly so I can get myself cheap t-shirts).  Plus I might get myself a facebook thingo.

The future is now....


Unknown said...

Looks good, Mr Watson! Love the inkwork on the horse!


Luke Watson said...

Thanks mate, just trying to keep up with the likes of you!


Unknown said...

Original - like wet stuff that smudges and blots and has no undo's - people still want that !!

Nice work mate the blog looks good too ......